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Tin Man
Encountering hordes of winged monkey-bats, a shape-shifting dog and a cyber-punk sorceress: the Emmy Award-winning Tin Man doesn’t just go over the rainbow, it goes way beyond.
The once-beautiful ‘Outer Zone’ has become a decaying wasteland and its subjects imprisoned under the control of the evil Azkadellia. While the witch hatches a nefarious plot to suck the souls out of her minions, it seems only one person can stop her…
DG (Zooey Deschannel, Elf, New Girl) a rebellious young woman sets out to save O.Z. and those captured from her wicked sister. Enlisting the help of Glitch (Alan Cumming, X-Men 2) who has half a brain, Cain who has no heart and the gentle Raw who lacks courage, the friends embark on a journey along a crumbling yellow brick road.
Encountering hordes of winged monkey-bats, a shape-shifting dog and a cyber-punk sorceress: the Emmy Award-winning Tin Man doesn’t just go over the rainbow, it goes way beyond.