DVD, On-Demand, TV

Short Poppies
The diverse group of characters are each played by comedy tour de force Rhys Darby, with laugh-out-loud cameos from Bear Grylls, Stephen Merchant, Sam Neill and Karl Urban.
Mockumentary series Short Poppies takes us on a hilarious tour of small town New Zealand, introducing a myriad of unique individuals whose less than normal lives are uncovered by TV journalist David Farrier.
Meet seven extraordinarily ordinary kiwi characters that sit perilously close to real life; part time leg model and lifeguard Terry Pole, senior citizen and serial complainer Mary Ledbetter, macho park ranger Bill Napier, artist and beauty Louise Cooper, UFOlogist Steve Whittle, young entrepreneur Ron Taylor, and local lawyer Rhod Gaine.
The diverse group of characters are each played by comedy tour de force Rhys Darby (Flight of the Conchords, Hunt for the Wilderpeople, Yes Man), with laugh-out-loud cameos from Bear Grylls, Stephen Merchant, Sam Neill and Karl Urban.