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Adult Life Skills
Rapidly approaching her 30th birthday, Anna’s life has stalled since the death of her twin brother.
Rapidly approaching her 30th birthday, Anna’s life has stalled since the death of her twin brother. Moving into her mother’s garden shed, she passes the time making short films with her endlessly bickering thumbs.
Feeling stuck at a standstill, Anna is forced to confront the realities of life when she meets a troubled little boy whose mother has terminal cancer. Soon she is entangled with the boy obsessed with Westerns, and the local estate agent whose awkward interpersonal skills continually undermine his attempts to seduce her.
Starring Jodie Whittaker (One Day, Broadchurch), Alice Lowe (Prevenge, Sightseers), Brett Goldstein (TV’s Uncle, Drifters), Adult Life Skills is a distinctly eccentric, witty and moving British triumph.
**** – EyeForFilm.co.uk
**** – MethodsUnsound.com
**** “A perfectly-cast comedy” – Marc Eccleston, GLAMOUR
**** “Funny, imaginative and captivating” – Jamie Graham, TOTAL FILM
“Impressive” – Little White Lies